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App turns device into walkie-talkie for easy communication with friends.

Walkie-talkie is a unique application that turns your device into a walkie-talkie, allowing you to easily communicate with friends using a two-way radio system without the need for any additional equipment. By simply downloading the app on your device and those of your contacts, you can enjoy seamless communication. One of the standout features of Walkie-talkie is its ability to provide long-distance communication at a more affordable cost by utilizing the Internet. To get started with Walkie-talkie, the first step is to install the app on all devices you wish to connect. Once everyone has installed the app, you can choose a communication frequency. This can be a common frequency for group conversations or separate frequencies for individual chats. Setting the frequency is straightforward using the buttons in the center of the app. After selecting the frequency, you can start chatting by pressing the button below. Hold the button to send your message and release it to receive responses from your contacts. Walkie-talkie offers a customizable interface with a variety of color options. Ensure all users have the app open and are on the same frequency for effective communication with multiple people. A stable Wi-Fi or mobile data connection is necessary for optimal performance of Walkie-talkie.

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